Tuesday, July 05, 2011


These images are from a recent Saturday excursion to the Union Square Farmer's Market in NYC.  The market is always inspiring this time of year.  Sometimes when I go to the market I have a schedule, a list and an agenda, but there are times when I use these forays into the market to slow down, open my senses and respond to what is actually being offered.  It's in these moments that I often become inspired to step out of my habits and create a new recipe or to work with a familiar food in a different way.  Even if you are not in the habit of going to a local farmer's market now through mid fall is the perfect time to explore one near you.  Let the journey open your senses and your palate!

Another way to recalibrate your palate and your relationship to the food you eat is to simplify your diet and allow the digestive system to rest.  A great way to do this is with a nutritional cleanse.  You can begin to prepare your body for the warmer days of summer from the Inside Out with one of our upcoming RASA Life Cleanses! Read More

Once the body is relaxed, rested and open begin to explore new territory with some of our recipes!

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