Tuesday, July 05, 2011


These images are from a recent Saturday excursion to the Union Square Farmer's Market in NYC.  The market is always inspiring this time of year.  Sometimes when I go to the market I have a schedule, a list and an agenda, but there are times when I use these forays into the market to slow down, open my senses and respond to what is actually being offered.  It's in these moments that I often become inspired to step out of my habits and create a new recipe or to work with a familiar food in a different way.  Even if you are not in the habit of going to a local farmer's market now through mid fall is the perfect time to explore one near you.  Let the journey open your senses and your palate!

Another way to recalibrate your palate and your relationship to the food you eat is to simplify your diet and allow the digestive system to rest.  A great way to do this is with a nutritional cleanse.  You can begin to prepare your body for the warmer days of summer from the Inside Out with one of our upcoming RASA Life Cleanses! Read More

Once the body is relaxed, rested and open begin to explore new territory with some of our recipes!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Spring is a wonderful time to reintroduce greens to your diet. As the earth awakens our eyes are refreshed by the many shades of green spring offers us.

The mildly bitter, pungent and sour flavors of young spring greens, wild leeks, rhubarb and sprouts, cleanse and enliven the palate and bring balance to our body and psyche after a long, cold and wet winter. Enjoy familiar spring favorites—asparagus, arugula, watercress, parsley, or a variety of savory sprouts such as radish, broccoli, sunflower, alfalfa and onion, but also take time to explore spring in all her wild glory and seek out some edible weeds—purslane, dandelion, fiddleheads, and wild leeks. Take this time to nourish yourself by simplifying your diet and the preparation of your food.

Adding a daily dose of green vegetables is one of the most important things you can do for your body.  They provide a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals as well as as amino acids and a healthy dose of fiber. So what are you waiting for?  Go get your green on!

1c mixed herbs like parsley, basil, tarragon
1/2 c fresh chives and chive flowers, chopped
1c sunflower greens or pea shoots
3 c mixed greens; beet grens, baby chard, arugula leaves
1 fennel bulb, halved, cored, and thinly sliced
thinly sliced radishes

Put the herbs and greens in a beautiful ceramic or wooden bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and a few squeezes of fresh lemon.  Season with good salt and some fresh pepper.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Intuitive-from the Latin 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning ‘to look inside’ or ‘to contemplate’ (wikipedia)

It seems that the effects of stress are not always mitigated by daily yoga and hefty amounts of green juice, counter-intuitive, but true. ENTER stage left (out of left field that is) HEAD COLD. Translate: stuffy head, a simultaneous stuffy and runny nose and restless nights. So, when I find myself with this head cold I am a little dismayed and lot frustrated but I know what needs to be done.  Rest, hydration, staying warm and fasting or eating very lightly, are all part of natural order when needing to heal a head cold. Yet the modern day practice of forging ahead has given us the ethos :"Take some meds, stop your whining and get back to work".  Well I'm an old school girl and meds aren't my way. So I stick to my guns, and my juices, and the sudden, fervent onset of the cold on late Tuesday night is now gladly on its way out.  So what exactly did I do for the last 2 and a half days? A lot of nothing and some of this:

Tuesday night. I put a droplet of Oregano oil (liquid fire) in a shot of water and drink up. Then massage more Oregano oil and Thieves oil, a proprietary blend from Young Living Essential Oils, on my feet.  Finally I bundle the feet up and sweat myself to sleep. Oh BTW I didn't say whomever you might share your bed with would love this route, but all the antibacterial oils are protecting your sleeping companion too.  I highly recommend stocking up on oregano oil and thieves through the early spring to help bolster the immune system and as an anti-bacterial defense!
Wednesday.  Morning Practice- yes practice.  It might be counter-intuitive but it's not counter-indicated as long as there is no fever.  After a hefty amount of standing forward bends, some ama, the lovely Ayurvedic term for GUNK, moved out of my sinuses (I didn't say my posts would always be sweet and savory).  Now at this point many may be thinking why on earth would you turn yourself upside down with a stuffy head?  Counter intuitive, but true, letting the head release down in poses like uttanasana (standing forward bend) and prasarita padottanasa (wide legged forward bend) and the classic adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog), actually relives pressure in the sinus passages.  Now if you have a heavy infection going on I would recommend getting some tailor-made recommendations on this.
The rest of Wednesday was spent hydrating with lots of room temperature water, warm tea with lemon, honey and ginger.  The lemon and honey (in modest amounts) help to break up mucous and ginger is warming and soothing to the digestive system. I also had a good amount of  green juice and a spicy gingery citrus blend.  When I finally did eat it was a light and super spicy salad of cucumber, cilantro, chili peppers and lime. These are my mad methods but chili peppers and other spicy foods do wonders to break up that mucous! Wednesday night was a repeat of Tuesday and a bit intensified.  At this point Kirk was like, 'take the tylenol" and I'm like 'no way'.  Did some more standing forward bends and went to bed to sweat some more.
Thursday was the most intense day, yet I knew it was the turning point.  All day I was kind of delirious, feverish and had no appetite; sounds great right?  Here's the thing, it's not about the discomfort of this cold.  It's a choice I made a long time ago, before I even knew I made it. Whenever that moment was, I chose to trust nature and my body and I still make that choice today.  So intuitively I knew these were good signs.  The body wants to be left on it's own to heal and when you feel this way, when you allow it and don't suppress it, you intuitively do the right thing. It's inconvenient and yes it does involve putting things on hold at times, but who of us isn't so over scheduled and strung out that putting a few things on hold wouldn't actually hurt. If, instead of heeding the "warning signs", we continue to forge ahead and function with the help of decongestants, sleeping aids, alcohol and color filled syrups (you'd be better off having a true hot toddy and if I weren't practicing some abstinence right now, I probably would have done that), you need you understand that you are making a choice that is ultimately suppressing the natural function of your immune system, creating an internal environment that is more and more run down and out and therefore susceptible to chronic colds and maybe infection.  Sounds like a counter-intuitive path to me.
Friday. I wake up, hydrate and brush my teeth. I taste the subtle fennel flavor of the toothpaste and I know the cold is about to exit, stage right, thank you very much.  By noon I'm actually hungry and have to remind myself to go slow.  A little juice, a little spicy salad and plan for some warm soup for dinner.  If you saw me on Tuesday night you would not have thought I would be fine by Friday afternoon without some intervention.  But that's the point, intervention with modern cures is often just suppression of our natural ability to heal.
Modern life is tough and filled with a lot more "have to do's" than even just 20 years ago, but nature herself is calling us to rethink how we are living on this planet, so perhaps by starting to take some simple steps to truly get in touch with what it means to take care of oneself we would also be taking the first step toward taking care of something bigger than ourselves.  Now that seems like a pretty intuitive choice.

for your blender
1 hefty quart of mixed organic citrus fruits, peeled
1 big knob of organic ginger, peeled, don't be shy, you know you like it
1-2 organic carrots, washed, optional
a droplet of oregano oil, go ahead, it's good for you
filtered water as needed or desired

Put it all in your blender and blend from low to high.  Add the filtered water if you like to get a smoother consistency.  Drink up to a quart a day when you are fasting to stave off or fight down a cold

Monday, January 31, 2011


This has been a month of adventures. Some of them building on familiar practices, like juice feasting and daily yoga and mindfulness practices; and some forays into new territory; a RASA Pantry & Cleanse trunk show at Suite 303 and a DETOX OVER DRINKS event at Huckleberry Bar.  The common thread running through the month was connection, collaboration, relationship and process of giving support and being supported.

So last Wednesday, the day of a the RASA Life/Huckleberry Bar collaborative event, I was minding my own business, getting some work done on my less than a year old i MAC- and all of a sudden-everything freezes.  A few hours of phone support later it's determined that the hard drive has likely gone kaput. And so the question became-"are you backed up?" It was almost comical. I've backed myself up in so many ways this month yet, in this one fundamental technological age requirement I dropped the ball.  Note to self: Sometimes you have to remind yourself to back your own self up.  And sometimes you need a little help from your friends.  

In many ways this was impetus for the DETOX OVER DRINKS event.  The collaboration was based on the concept that life, especially your social life, doesn't have to stop if you are taking a break from whatever your particular poison might be. In fact it can be a tasty adventure.  So, based on my experience with combining seasonal foods & herbs and Stephanie's cocktail know-how, we brought some dimension and deep background to the idea of alcohol free cocktails and developed a luscious menu featuring six mocktails.

Who's got YOUR back?

Rogue Rouge Shrub-for 1
3/4 oz Goji Berry Shrub* (Goji, Caraway, Vinegar)*
1/2 oz Beet Juice
2 oz Orange Juice
Shake ingredients with ice and strain over fresh ice.
Garnish with orange peel, a pinch of smoked salt and a sprinkling of crushed caraway seeds

* Goji Berry Shrub (cold method)
Soak 2c of goji berries in 3c water for 20-30 minutes.  Strain and mash the berries.
Place in a sterile glass qt container-a mason jar works well and add 2 cups raw honey, 2 tablespoons of crushed caraway seed and the peel of one organic orange.  Stir well to combing the ingredients and let stand for 2 days.  After 2 days add 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar and the juice of one orange.  Let stand for 3 days to allow flavors to mingle and develop. Strain the "liquor" from the solids into a clean glass jar and store in the refrigerator.  The shrub is also really delicious with a splash of sparkling water.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Where do you stand in your life right now? Where do you stand in relation to your relationships, your family, your career?  How are you in relationship with yourself?  These have all been questions up for deep inquiry for me recently.  Stirring the pot if you will. 

Many of us move through our entire life without ever really asking these questions. Mainly because we were taught not to inquire much beyond the basics of whether or not we've had the right education, acquired a decent job and are properly settled into a "stable" relationship.  Well, I think we have all realized that life doesn't really fit into those neat little boxes anymore.  Did it ever really?

Yet, I wonder how can we begin to know where we stand when most of us don’t even know our own feet?  How can we move from the periphery of our lives in the swell of the center without knowing how to stand? So without getting too heady, let’s get down to practicality.

In order to begin to get a sense of where you are you have to be grounded in your body. To be grounded in your body you have to learn to stand well and in order to stand well you have to connect to your feet.  The health of your feet plays a vital role in the well being of the rest of your physical structure and the mind follows the body. Overall maintaining both toned and flexible feet can not be overemphasized, for when our ability to stand well on the four corners of our feet is compromised, and this happens when the muscles of the feet are tight and inflexible, it affects alignment throughout the body up through the knees, hips and lower back.  Many people I have worked with have discovered that resolving foot issues helps to resolve issues in the knees, hips and back.  It all begins with a stable AND responsive base.

PRACTICE: Standing on the four corners of the feet
Come to a standing position, preferably with your feet on the bare floor.  Take a moment to notice when the majority of your body weight rest on your feet.  First observe the distribution from the ball of the foot and the heel.  Does your weight settle back or forward? Then observe the inner edges and the outer edges of your feet.  Does your weight settle to the inner or outer edges of your feet?  First observe, and then adjust.  Distribute the weight of your body evenly between the ball and heel and the inner and outer edges off your feet, specifically, between the ball of the big and little toes and the inner and outer edges of your heels.  Now lift all ten toes off of the ground, spread the toes wide, and feel for spreading the bones of the feet. When you place your toes down, keep stretching them apart, imagine you had some smooth stone from the beach to place between the webbing of the toes (or actually do it).  You’ll probably begin to feel a lot of sensation in your feet that you didn’t realize was possible.  Stay with it and play with the idea that your toes can articulate like your fingers.

Now that you exploring where you are from a a more clear base, NOW ask yourself: What areas of your life are you only comfortable on the edge, where are you coming toward the middle and what part of your life do you feel fully at home and able to hold the space in center stage?  It's likely that area you feel most able to move into the center is the place you've put most of your energy developing.  Now identify one or two areas of your life that are less organized and therefore most likely less comfortable, where you are skirting around the edges to get by.

So, how can you more fully evolve your relationship to yourself this year, so that you are bringing more of yourself, with more ease toward the center of more of your life?  For me this has meant reclaiming my personal practice, juice feasting, dancing the five rhythms, exploring what archetypes are guiding which areas of my life.  And asking the question: does this really work for me?  What may have worked at one point in my life might not be so optimal anymore.  We can't know until we ask.  So ask yourself, do you really want to live this one big beautiful life on auto pilot?

PRACTICE: Feel into the area of your life where you live at the center.  What do you feel in your body when you consider that area of you life?  Does your body feel at home and you breath at ease? Take that imprint, that biofeedback if you will, and ask what would help you generate that feeling other areas of your life that may be less evolved.  Keep moving toward that body feeling of ease. 

By engaging in this process you begin to take steps toward connecting to the world in a more integrated and meaningful way.  Embrace your existence on this planet with joy, exuberance and above all else, with the awareness that we’re all in this together.  It all begins one step at a time.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure "
Joseph Campbell

Five days into my January Juice Adventure.  Several things I imagined would be challenging aren't at all.  Like not having a lovely glass of wine with dinner. I actually don't miss it a bit, but I guess that makes sense because you're drinking dinner anyway.  Several things that I didn't imagine would be difficult are.  Like remembering and actually being hungry enough to drink four quarts of juice a day.  Interesting.   Some of this process is second nature to me because I prepare juice blend cleanses several times a month for clients and already consume about a quart of green juice daily most days.  Yet just five days in and even I am astonished at how at ease I feel not only with the process, but most importantly in my own skin again. It reminds me how much we can anesthetize ourselves in so many small (and not so small) ways each day.  Just consuming juice for one's nourishment takes away everything that you can hide behind.  Very Clarifying.

So far I've been following through on my intention to practice each morning and suddenly what I came to feel was so daunting; waking up at 5:30 to practice before Victor, my trusty RASA Cleanse and Food prep assistant, arrives, has actually been seamless.  When did waking up to practice, a cornerstone of my own self care, become so difficult?  Well somewhere between the last juice cleanse I've done for myself and our weekend, bleeding into weekday habit of enjoying Il Buco or Terroir or some other such place that beckons.

Most importantly, so far, I AM REMINDED that life is about BALANCE.  There is nothing wrong with the glass of wine or enjoying gustatory pleasures.  Trouble begins to brew when we become unconscious about when and why we are choosing to do, go and consume.  So for me this JUICE ADVENTURE is as much about reclaiming Consciousness as anything else.

simple, refreshing and delicious

yields about a quart (amounts are approximate)
3 blood oranges, peeled
seeds from one pomegranate
1/4c goji berries, soaked for about 15 minutes (optional)
a couple of clove buds (the spice)
a dash of raw honey, if desired
a splash of flax or hempseed oil
pinch of Himalayan salt
filtered water

Place all ingredients, (including the goji soak water) except filtered water, in blender.  Cover with filter water (plus a little more if you don't like it too thick).  Blend from low to high, strain and drink up!