Wednesday, January 05, 2011


The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure "
Joseph Campbell

Five days into my January Juice Adventure.  Several things I imagined would be challenging aren't at all.  Like not having a lovely glass of wine with dinner. I actually don't miss it a bit, but I guess that makes sense because you're drinking dinner anyway.  Several things that I didn't imagine would be difficult are.  Like remembering and actually being hungry enough to drink four quarts of juice a day.  Interesting.   Some of this process is second nature to me because I prepare juice blend cleanses several times a month for clients and already consume about a quart of green juice daily most days.  Yet just five days in and even I am astonished at how at ease I feel not only with the process, but most importantly in my own skin again. It reminds me how much we can anesthetize ourselves in so many small (and not so small) ways each day.  Just consuming juice for one's nourishment takes away everything that you can hide behind.  Very Clarifying.

So far I've been following through on my intention to practice each morning and suddenly what I came to feel was so daunting; waking up at 5:30 to practice before Victor, my trusty RASA Cleanse and Food prep assistant, arrives, has actually been seamless.  When did waking up to practice, a cornerstone of my own self care, become so difficult?  Well somewhere between the last juice cleanse I've done for myself and our weekend, bleeding into weekday habit of enjoying Il Buco or Terroir or some other such place that beckons.

Most importantly, so far, I AM REMINDED that life is about BALANCE.  There is nothing wrong with the glass of wine or enjoying gustatory pleasures.  Trouble begins to brew when we become unconscious about when and why we are choosing to do, go and consume.  So for me this JUICE ADVENTURE is as much about reclaiming Consciousness as anything else.

simple, refreshing and delicious

yields about a quart (amounts are approximate)
3 blood oranges, peeled
seeds from one pomegranate
1/4c goji berries, soaked for about 15 minutes (optional)
a couple of clove buds (the spice)
a dash of raw honey, if desired
a splash of flax or hempseed oil
pinch of Himalayan salt
filtered water

Place all ingredients, (including the goji soak water) except filtered water, in blender.  Cover with filter water (plus a little more if you don't like it too thick).  Blend from low to high, strain and drink up!

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