Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yields one quart
The ingredient measurements are approximant, and can be adjusted to your taste. I like to eat these with either raw or lightly steamed hearty winter greens and winter squash

1c unpasteurized cider vinegar
2c filtered water
2t coarse Celtic sea salt
2T Nama shoyu or tamari
2T raw honey
1-2 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
a few spring of thyme
1 bay leaf
1t each coriander and fennel seeds
1 red chili pepper, if desired
1 generous bunch Hakurei Turnips, unpeeled or 2-3 large pink turnips, cut into wedges (if using the pink turnips, I prefer to peel them)

Combine the water, cider vinegar, shoyu, honey and salt in a bowl, stirring to dissolve the salt. Add the spices, herbs, garlic and option chili pepper. Pack the turnips into a clean glass container and pour the cider mixture over them, to cover. Cover and let sit on the kitchen counter for 7-10 days. After about a week, they will be ready to eat and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months